New Years Resolutions

29 12 2008

2158400152_b53b55da9d_mWell, its that time of the year again! The time we all (at least I do) get  excited about a ‘fresh start!’ The time we take bets on how long the resolutions will last…

2008 was supposed to be my lucky year according to the Chinese Calendar since I was born in 1984.  If an outsider looks at the past year of my life they probably wouldn’t say it was so lucky.  However, when I look back on it in retrospect, I think it was.  I made the biggest decision of my life this year – I decided to move to London.  If none of the other things in 2008 resulted in anything good – I know this decision will, and I can’t really ask for more than that.

Which brings me to 2009.  What are my resolutions? Well here they are in no particular order (except for #1 – it seems to be on the top of the list every year…)

  1. Get rid of ‘the last 10lbs’ (ugh!)
  2. Eat healthier (or at all, depending on how my London budget crisis will go)
  3. Take up Pilates (need to get that flexibility back! It currently hurts to bend over)
  4. Stress less! (Deep breathes…1…2….3…4…5…)
  5. Be more selfless (I have what is known as “younger sibling syndrome“)
  6. Travel more (yessssss!)
  7. Write more …and write better!
  8. Meet a nice boy (mmm accents)
  9. Save more (this one is ultra difficult when you’re a big geek like me and have a huge gadget addiction)
  10. Take up kickboxing again
  11. Walk more 
  12. Learn to cook (thank you Nintendo DS for coming up with “Personal Trainer: Cooking” – much love!)
  13. Make great new friends in London (although I’m hoping I don’t have to make this an actual resolution – kinda hoping it will just happen in London)
  14. Be more confident in my decisions (thats a biggie)
  15. Make amazing new memories!

Although I’m sure there are many more, I don’t want to bore you – and I don’t want to over-burden myself. Haha. 

Anyways, I wish you the reader, and all of my friends the best of luck in the new year! May it be the best one yet!

What are your new years resolutions?

Let It Snow!

21 12 2008

p1000386This is a photo of my street.  This is a photo of the day after a huge snow fall (after its already been plowed).  This is right before we got ANOTHER huge snow storm.  There is currently a snow pile on my lawn that is taller than I am and that could cause an avalanche.  It will definitely be a white holiday.

All I have to say it thank goodness for out 4×4! Otherwise I would still be stranded in my driveway.  The snow storm is still going (all I can see is a white blur outside my window – we are expected ANOTHER 30cm today)  It was finally time to take the winter parka out of my closet! It was -15C yesterday. Brrr!

Surprisingly enough, I will miss the snow.  I like the feeling of curling up under a warm blanket, sipping hot chocolate and watching movies like Home Alone, and National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.  Even though I don’t celebrate Christmas, I still enjoy the season!  Who doesn’t?!  The skiers and the snowboarders are probably ecstatic right now! (I’ve only been a handful of times – I’m a poor excuse for a Canadian)

Anyways, I need to be at work in 6 hours – so I should start shoveling my way out now if I want to be there in time.  I love Canada.

I’m Homeless, but I’m Happy

10 12 2008

399985221_f07aa41989_mWhere am I going to live upon arrival? That is the ultimate question everyone seems to be seeking an answer too – my parents, my friends, my coworkers and obviously myself.  The answer is simple – I dunno.

I have spent countless hours searching countless sites for places to live in London.  But truth be told – it really doesn’t matter! It’s not like I can drive over and look at the place to see if I like it.  I can’t really reserve it either since I’d have to pay a months rent without even living there  – I arrive Jan 15th, 2009.  Also, I want to find a job first, so that I can narrow my search options around it.  So, the reality is – I’m homeless. And?

I’m still happy!

I get to go on this great adventure I know I’ll never forget! I’m not necessarily worried about finding a place – I know I will.  A hostel will suffice in the meantime.  Living in a hostel for a week or so will be more than enough motivation to help me find a place faster! They aint cheap!

I understand why everyone is worried – especially my folks – having to send their youngest daughter away to a foreign country, jobless, homeless and friendless.  I even understand the curious/crazy looks I get from friends when I tell them I have no idea where I will be living or working.  The point is I know I WILL be working, and most of all I WILL be living.